Does your What + How equal Wow?

Every solution offers two kinds of value: a fixed What-value and a variable How-value. Whether you become your customer’s crush depends on the How.

The What-value of a solution is provided by what it enables you to do – and it’s almost identical across competitors. All cars get you from A to B. All hairdressers cut hair. All hotels offer a place to sleep. The What rarely makes any provider stand out.

The How-value, however, can vary dramatically.

The How-value of a solution is provided by the benefits and drawbacks of its specific execution. While there are countless ways to execute anything, the market leaders show that certain approaches – certain „Hows“ – outperform others by far.

In other words:
The How of many products, services and touchpoints isn’t serving them as well as it could.

Obviously, not every company can be a leader. But every company can find a How for its solutions that make them stand out and better connect with its target audience!

Here is a little “trick” to get started with that:

It is critical to become aware of your customer’s “Wow-Threshold” (also known as the relevance threshold):

  1. Analyse the similarities in How you and your competitors execute your products, services and touchpoints
  2. Determine what your customers consider normal
  3. Find ways to exceed expectations at as many points in their journey as possible -> break through conventional thinking patterns

How you execute your solutions matters! So don’t aim for adequate, aim for wow.

Get strategic about how you design things.