Baselift Your Business Blog
Many small ideas and some larger articles to help you master experience-driven value creation.

By Stefan Hermann
Is What + How = Wow?
Know your customers Wow-Threshold to stand out.
The Chief How Officer
If there's one thing I want my clients, network and people to learn this year: don't leave anything your company creates to chance. Want to stay relevant? Get a Chief How Officer!
Love your customers or lose them (and yourself)
Love your customers or lose them (and yourself) [...]
This is Experience-Driven Value Creation
An Introduction to Experience-Driven Value Creation.
No Identitiy, No Success
Many people are unhappy and unsuccessful because they keep doing things that do not match their self-image - they act against their values and beliefs. The same applies to companies.
What Is A Modular Design Agency?
No scope limits, no lengthy negotiations – just boundless creative power. Too good to be true? Well, maybe not.
How to get the most out of your freelance designers
Misused freelancers are like expensive band-aids, offering quick fixes but little lasting impact. But when used wisely, they become powerful allies, consistently driving innovation and value for your business.
Its about knowing one (more) thing
It's about knowing one (more) thing. The ‘secret‘ to [...]
If you don’t like change…
To change or not to change. Well.... change.
The four experiences every company must care about
To become (and remain) The One for your ideal customer, you need to address four different experiences they make.
The friend of a friend mindset
Every business is a people's business. I learned this the hard way. A little trick helped me to never forget again.
The benefits of being ideal customer centric
A quick introduction to the benefits of ideal customer centricity.
The best version of yourself
You can‘t always be better. You can‘t always be faster. But...
The missing link in (most company’s) branding
There are three essential aspects to branding - and most companies only know two.
Being better is getting harder. So what do you do?
Trying to stand out by doing better what everyone else is already doing pretty well is difficult.