The four experiences every company must care about

In general, a customer’s overall experience consists of many small experiences across many different journeys. To keep things simple and manageable, the Experience-Driven Value Creation framework divides a customer’s overall experience into four types of experience.

To become (and remain) The One for your ideal customer, you need to address each of these experiences in a way that your competitors or alternative solutions can’t.

Don’t miss out on the many moments when you can deliver meaningful value to your customers and stand out from the crowd.

The Problem State

The target customer‘s situation and the forces that negatively affect him/ her.

To discover new value creation opportunities.

Key Questions

  • What problem is the customer trying to solve?
  • How is (s)he currently addressing this problem?
  • What challenges or frustrations is (s)he experiencing with current solutions?
  • What outcome is (s)he hoping to achieve?
  • What would an ideal solution do for him/ her?

Customer Experience

All interactions between the company and the customer throughout their relationship.

To make the interaction between the company and the customer as smooth as possible and to minimise the effort for the customer.

Key Question

  • How do we make it as pleasant as possible for our customers to deal with us and resolve their questions and issues about our products and services?

Brand Experience

The overall perception that people have of a company and its solutions

To express a company’s unique values and qualities before, during and after the sale.

Key Question

  • How can we ensure that the right customers bond with us?

Product Experience

All the moments in which a customer interacts with a product

TTo delight customers throughout their entire usage journey.

Key Question

  • How can we exceed customer expectations at each stage of their usage journey?

1. The Customer’s Problem State
2. The Brand Experience
3. The Customer Experience
4. The Product Experience

To become (and remain) „The One“ for your ideal customer, you need to address each of these experiences in a way that your competitors or alternative solutions can’t.

Don’t miss out on the many moments when you can deliver meaningful value to your customers and stand out from the crowd.